Becas Chile Postgraduate Scholarships and UTS Scholarships - CHILE
University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Scholarship Information
Level of study: Postgraduate
In July 2008, Universities Australia and the Government of the Republic of Chile established the 'Chile-Australia Agreement on Human Capital Development'. The agreement supports up to 500 fully funded Chilean PhD and Masters students each year to study in Australian universities. This program is aimed to improve Chile's global competitiveness by strengthening its human capital development and improving the scope and quality of education, scientific and technological research and innovation. In addition to this, BECAS CHILE and UTS signed a bilateral agreement, allowing Chilean students who have secured a BECAS CHILE scholarship to undertake UTS Postgraduate research study (Master and Doctorate) in areas such as aquaculture and fishing, biotechnology, information and communication technologies, energy, environmental issues, health and education.