Master of Philosophy (Faculty of Business and Economics)
Monash University
Course Details
Master of Philosophy degree enables you to complete independent research under the supervision of expert academics, including the submission of a thesis. While it is not necessary that an MPhil thesis would make a major contribution to the discipline by way of new knowledge (as a PhD would require), an MPhil thesis would be expected to make a contribution to an existing body of knowledge, by applying, clarifying, critiquing or interpreting that knowledge. The principal component of the MPhil is a thesis of up to 35,000 words, embodying the results of a research project. Candidates are supported by a minimum of two supervisors throughout their candidature. Together with supervisors, each candidate is responsible for developing the research program to be followed and should be designed to take no more than two years of full-time equivalent candidature. The Master of Philosophy also includes a coursework component. Students may transfer to the Doctor of Philosophy, after successful completion of confirmation, and provided that satisfactory progress has been made and certain conditions are met.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Research)
Course structure: This course consists of a coursework component and a research and thesis component.