Master of Philosophy (By Research)
Monash University
Course Details
The Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC) is a truly multi-disciplinary research organisation and one of the leading injury prevention research centres in the world. Based at the Clayton Campus of Monash University, MUARC has well established links with a large number of Monash faculties. Indeed one of the defining features of research at MUARC is that it reaches across traditional discipline boundaries.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Research)
Course structure: This course consists of a research and thesis component. Research topics are available in most of the faculty's areas of research strength, depending on supervision and resource availability. For more detail refer to the faculty's postgraduate areas of study in the Handbook or visit the Arts Research website. Students enrolled at South Africa can undertake research in one of the following areas: criminal justice and criminology, communication and media studies, geography and environmental studies, international studies, philosophy, psychology, or sociology.
Students may apply to transfer to a PhD after a defined period (usually 9-12 months enrolment, full-time or equivalent), provided that satisfactory progress has been made and certain conditions are met.