Master of Landscape Architecture
The University of Western Australia (UWA)
Course Details
The Master of Landscape Architecture provides an education in the design, management and resilience of natural and built landscapes to improve the quality and our experience of the environment. Gain the knowledge and skills to respond to complex issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, urban ecology and water sensitive design by applying systems thinking and creative practice to develop long-term, multi-scale solutions. Students have opportunities to engage in Work Integrated Learning and placements through Practicum units. Building on undergraduate studies in Landscape Architecture (or relevant conversion units), students acquire strong theoretical and practical knowledge and the high-level technical, analytical, design and communication skills necessary to formulate solutions to challenges and produce creative landscape architecture outcomes. The course provides emphasis on ecological, cultural and social design considerations at global, regional and local levels.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Coursework)
Course structure: Credit Points 144