Master of Education
Curtin University
Course Details
Master Degrees (Coursework) prepare students to apply advanced knowledge for professional practice, scholarship and further learning corresponding to AQF level 9 qualifications. This one-year full time equivalent course is for educators working in a range of educational contexts who hold a four-year teacher education degree or equivalent. Students will utilise and build on their professional knowledge, practices and contexts with an emphasis on curriculum and pedagogical leadership and innovation. Students can select from units that enable advanced specialisation in one of three areas of expertise: • Innovative Learning and Teaching • STEM Education Innovation • Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Alternatively, to provide maximum flexibility, students can also customise their degree by choosing any combination of units from across these specialisations. The degree incorporates a Negotiated Capstone Project where students investigate an area of individual or professional interest to understand and transform educational knowledge, real-world practices and challenges.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Coursework)
Course structure: Credit Points: 200