Master of Education (Research)
Deakin University
Course Details
This is a supervised research program. The research of each candidate is conducted under the supervision of a full-time member of the academic staff. Candidates are required to participate in an oral colloquium about one third of the way through candidature in which the proposed research is defended, and will ultimately to submit a thesis embodying the results of their research. The thesis may be a single volume of disciplinary scholarship or a folio consisting of an exegesis and two to four research products relating to professional practice. Candidates showing significant promise as research students may be invited to transfer their enrolment to the Doctor of Philosophy program. This generally occurs at or post colloquium. Transfer is dependent on meeting the academic requirements for PhD entry and must have the full support of the principal supervisor.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Research)
Course structure: This is a supervised research program. The research of each candidate is conducted under the supervision of a full-time member of the academic staff. Candidates are required to participate in an oral colloquium about one third of the way through candidature in which the proposed research is defended, and will ultimately to submit a thesis embodying the results of their research. The thesis may be a single volume of disciplinary scholarship or a folio consisting of an exegesis and two to four research products relating to professional practice.