Master of Creative Writing, Publishing and Editing
The University of Melbourne
Course Details
Unearth and connect the shared skills between writer, editor and publisher. With the Master of Creative Writing, Publishing and Editing, you can gain a globally recognized, vocationally viable qualification designed with the changing nature of the publishing industry in mind. This program has a practical focus aimed at building your knowledge and skill set across a broad spectrum of writing, publishing and editing, including digital writing and publishing, fiction and nonfiction writing, print production, advanced editing for books and magazines and writing for young adults.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Coursework)
Course structure: 200 point program (2 years full-time or part-time equivalent); 50 points of Compulsory subjects (must be completed in first 100 points of study); 50 points of Foundation subjects (must be completed in first 100 points of study); Core subjects (minimum of 50 points, maximum of 62.5 points in the second 100 points of study); Elective subjects from the Second 100 Point Elective Subjects list of the program (at least 12.5 points from the Creative Writing list and at least 12.5 points from the Publishing and Editing list) (total maximum 50 points or minimum 37.5 points); Minimum of 50 points of Capstone subjects (with a maximum of 62.5 points); 150 point program (1.5 years full-time or part-time equivalent); 50 points of Compulsory subjects (must be completed in first 100 points of study); Core subjects (minimum 50 points or maximum 62.5 points); Elective subjects: at least 12.5 points from the Creative Writing electives list, and at least 12.5 points from the Publishing and Editing electives list (minimum 37.5 points or maximum 50 points); Minimum of 50 points of Capstone subjects (with a maximum of 62.5 points).