Master of Clinical Psychology (Research)
University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Course Details
This course is intended for registered clinical psychologists, or students who have completed a registrable psychology degree, who wish to pursue a career in research or gain a competitive advantage in their career by completing an additional postgraduate qualification. Students gain research skills and expertise in their area of research interest, and demonstrate their outstanding academic ability and commitment to clinical psychology through the completion of the degree. This course provides students the opportunity to work with leading national and international researchers in their area of interest to develop and complete an original research project which contributes to knowledge. Students gain research training and skills, as well as developing extensive knowledge and expertise in an area of research. Students are supported by a strong and vibrant research culture, both within the school and the university, and have access to other researchers, a wide variety of workshops, the university library and research facilities.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Research)