Master of Climate Change Adaptation (By Research)
University of the Sunshine Coast (UniSC)
Course Details
Lead the fight against climate change. Climate change is increasingly seen as a major threat to the health of the planet, with long-term hazards and implications for many communities. In this program you will look deeply at the social, cultural, political and economic impact of climate change. You will focus on people who live in areas where climatic conditions threaten water and food security, public health, public amenities, quality of life and living conditions. Via research, you will develop an appreciation of international and national obligations and trends in the assessment and management of climate change. You will also discover how to effectively examine complex agricultural, industrial, infrastructure and urban development proposals to meet predicted impacts of climate change.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Research)
Course structure: A Higher Degree by Research (HDR) is a supervised research program that requires undertaking original research, resulting in a thesis, or a thesis and exegesis. During the Master by Research program, Master by Research candidates are required to achieve several milestones that relate to their research training.