Doctor of Podiatric Medicine
The University of Western Australia (UWA)
Course Details
The Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) is a three-year programme for entry into professional practice as a podiatrist. The aim of the course is to produce graduates able to treat and educate their patients effectively and appropriately in a professional and responsible way. The programme conforms to its CREATE themes, which strives to produce highly trained clinicians, researchers, educators, advocates, team-minded professionals and ethical practitioners. There are two semesters of equal length in each year. The first year covers bioscience, while years two and three cover the theoretical and practical aspects of podiatric medicine, alongside supporting subjects research, biostatistics and general medicine, all of which fall within the second year. These subjects help students to understand the diagnosis and management of diseases and conditions that affect the lower limb, and to take a leading role in the interdisciplinary management of foot and ankle problems.
Qualification: Doctor Degree (By Coursework)
Course structure: Credit Points 144