Doctor of Philosophy Integrated (Psychology)
University of Wollongong
Course Details
The Doctor of Philosophy Integrated (Psychology) is for graduates with a strong background in research who wish to explore a specialised psychology topic in depth using research methods with the added component of coursework. The Doctor of Philosophy Integrated (Psychology) is a four-year research degree which incorporates a traditional three-year PhD thesis with one year of coursework subjects, combining generic research training and discipline-specific content into a single degree. All students must undertake the coursework component of this degree and achieve a minimum of 65% in each subject before being admitted into the three-year research component. The first year of this degree comprises coursework subjects and research training skills. The research skills include research methodology; literature review, critical analysis or laboratory projects; and advanced topics or a minor research project.
Qualification: Doctor Degree (By Coursework)
Course structure: 192 Credit points