Bachelor of Science (Nutrition and Food Science)
Curtin University
Course Details
Bachelor Degrees prepare students to develop broad and coherent knowledge and skills in a discipline for professional work and further learning corresponding to AQF level 7 qualifications. This course integrates fundamental sciences linked to human nutrition and food science with practical experience to ensure that graduates are uniquely placed to contribute to global health and wellbeing. Students learn how food and nutrition can affect the health and wellbeing of global populations by understanding the science behind foods and the role of nutrition in health. The first half of the degree explores fundamental sciences linked to food and human nutrition. Students will develop knowledge in physiology, biochemistry and biomedical sciences alongside an introduction to health and food behaviours. The second year builds on these foundations while also exploring the effects of dietary nutrients on health and human development across the life cycle, food chemistry and food processing. Students will evaluate the latest scientific literature in the fields of nutrition and food science and relate this to developments in the discipline area. In the last half of the degree students will choose between two streams; nutrition or food science.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: Credit Points: 600