Bachelor of Psychological Science / Bachelor of Laws
Australian Catholic University (ACU)
Course Details
The Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Laws combines the study of human behaviour with the study of the law. This double degree is designed to produce well-rounded graduates ready for legal practice and a range of professional careers in an increasingly global environment.The program combines the study of human behaviour with the study of law. The psychological science component enhances your specialist knowledge by providing a comprehensive understanding of psychology, including behavioural and mental processes. It offers an Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) sequence in psychology.Students who have completed 120 credit points of law units with a grade point average of 5.75 and above may apply to complete an honours degree.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: 400 credit points. You will complete 80 hours pro bono experience (after your first year) which will count as credit towards the compulsory community engagement unit (10 cp).
Completing a Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Laws is excellent preparation for pursuing a career in areas such as: Academic; Criminology researcher; Health department researcher; Human resources consultant; In-house legal counsel for NGOs, community or health service organisations; Legal Practitioner (barrister or solicitor); Policy writer; Psychologist (after further studies); Training consultant; private legal practice as a solicitor or barrister; legal officer in the public sector (for example in federal or state government departments and publicly-funded organisations as diverse as national regulatory bodies, universities or public broadcasters); in-house counsel to a wide range of organisations from corporations to trade unions; public interest legal work in community legal centres; legal research within a variety of organisations such as: Australian Institute of Criminology; Centrelink; Department of Community Service; Department of Health; Department of Human Services; Rehabilitation Centres.