Bachelor of Nursing
Western Sydney University
Course Details
Ranked top 50 in the world for Nursing, this course prepares graduates for eligibility to apply for registration throughout Australia as a registered nurse. The focus of the course is on inquiry-based learning, critical thinking and reflective practice in relation to the theory and practice of nursing in health and health breakdown across the lifespan. Using a primary health care framework students study application of physical and behavioural sciences to nursing; inquiry and evidence-based practice principles and utilisation within nursing; nursing care of individuals, families and groups from diverse backgrounds across the lifespan. The course involves campus-based simulated clinical practice settings and consolidation occurs as students undertake clinical placements in a variety of health care settings.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: •240 total credit points: 24 nursing subjects. •Clinical placements are scheduled in a range of health facilities and community settings integrated throughout the course. •Clinical Placements: 800 hours scheduled throughout the three years of study.
Prospective students should be aware that full disclosure of any issues of impairment or misconduct is a declaration requirement when applying for registration as a registered nurse.