Bachelor of Health Sciences / Master of Occupational Therapy
Flinders University
Course Details
The Bachelor of Health Sciences, Master of Occupational Therapy requires 5 years of full-time study (or up to eight years part-time). The double degree course is offered by the College of Nursing and Health Sciences. This is a professional entry-level course credit will not normally be awarded for prior learning, unless applicants are transferring from other postgraduate entry-level occupational therapy courses.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: Students are required to pass all topics of the Bachelor component of the double degree and achieve a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 5.0 (Credit average) in order to progress to the Masters component of the degree.The degree includes clinical placements, which may be undertaken in various metropolitan or rural and remote locations across South Australia or interstate. Students will be required to complete at least one clinical placement in a rural location.