Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours)
Monash University
Course Details
If you have graduated from a Monash Bachelor of Health Sciences or Bachelor of Public Health this honours year is designed for you. You also might be eligible if you come from another discipline. You'll be supervised primarily by staff from the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, although opportunity exists for you to identify a project and co-supervisor with Monash partner organisations such as the Burnet Institute, the Baker-IDI (Heart and Diabetes Institute), and others. In keeping with the degree's focus on health in a global context and the breadth of expertise in the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine (SPHPM) and its partner organisations, it is expected that a range of local, national, and internationally-focussed honours projects will be available.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Honours)
Course structure: This course consists of supervised research and coursework components. In the coursework component you will develop advanced theoretical and/or technical knowledge of your area of focus within health science. In the research component you will develop research methodologies appropriate to your focus and plan and execute a research project under the individual guidance of an academic supervisor.