Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Master of Engineering (Electrical Engineering)
UNSW Sydney
Course Details
The BE/ME is a five-year degree catering for elite students who wish to be a part of an integrated Bachelor and Masters degree in electrical engineering. Unique to the BE/ME at UNSW is the benefit of receiving an undergraduate and postgraduate qualification in electrical engineering, while also studying a chosen broadening discipline (minor) from a large range of areas outside electrical engineering. Students will graduate from the BE/ME with the potential to accelerate their career path into senior engineering roles as well as engineering management.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Honours)
Course structure: The School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications offers a five year integrated degree program (240 UOC) leading to a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Master of Engineering (BE ME) in Electrical Engineering. In addition to study areas listed under Electrical Engineering students can choose a broadening discipline (minor) from areas such as: music, language, commerce, psychology, mechatronics, photovoltaics, computing, mathematics.
Career Opportunities: Examples include technical careers in electrical engineering (see 425100 B Engineering (Electrical), and other areas of specialisation such as satellite systems, nuclear engineering, geospatial systems, photovoltaics, and mechatronics.