Bachelor of Educational Studies
Australian Catholic University (ACU)
Course Details
The Bachelor of Educational Studies allows students to take their first step towards teaching or other education-related fields. Gain the necessary knowledge to pursue a career in corporate training, educational consultancy, online learning, vocational and community education, curriculum writing, youth services or adult learning. This degree is also a pathway for students who are passionate about becoming teachers but do not meet the admission rank for their desired pre-service teacher degree. Students not meeting subject prerequisite requirements in Qld and/or Vic should undertake the Diploma in Educational Studies (Tertiary Preparation) as their pathway. Eligible students who successfully complete their first year (subject to meeting certain progression and non-academic requirements) may apply for transfer into the second year of the Bachelor of Education suite. This course will not lead to early childhood, primary or secondary teacher registration in Australia, and no practicum is undertaken by graduates who complete the three-year course.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: 240 credit points.