Bachelor of Agribusiness
Curtin University
Course Details
This course enables students to undertake a combined program of Agribusiness and agricultural science. Students will use chemistry and biology to develop an understanding of production systems and to apply problem-solving techniques to management strategies. Students will be introduced to satellite-based technologies including precision agriculture for crop, pasture and livestock management systems. The course will have a strong focus on broadacre systems in mediterranean and low-rainfall environments of southern Australia, and these will be discussed in the context of global issues such as food security, changing markets, sustainability and climate change. Graduates of this course have a combination of a strong scientific and critical thinking approach and employment-ready skills. This understanding of agricultural production systems is combined with the business skills associated with production, processing, marketing and distribution of food. Students who undertake this course will benefit from gaining a qualification that offers a comprehensive understanding of a primary production system, in combination with a key emphasis on the business environment. The future for the agriculture industry is very attractive and the skills gained in this course are in high demand across agricultural food chain industries. Highly educated, creative people are needed to develop new methods and technologies to produce food sustainably throughout developed and emerging economies.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: Credit Points: 600